Author: Adam
We are the kingdom work
“The local body of believers is God’s kingdom work. We don’t do that work; we are that work! God is building a kingdom, Jesus is the cornerstone, and his people are the building.” – John C. Nugent, Endangered Gospel
Satan’s Attacks On Devotion
Every Christian has to decide how he best can serve God. On this point he will most likely receive plenty of advice from friends, family and the world in general. One particular source of “advice” will surely be the enemy of his soul – Satan. Satan is not asleep or incompetent as some may imagine.…
Open To Grace
Imagine three scenarios: Follow the Leader? A Christian businessman makes room in his crowded schedule to meet with colleagues at a local restaurant. Waiting at a table set for six persons, the clock makes it plain that he will be eating alone. Text messages and emails trickle in from each of the business leaders excusing…
Body Salvation
Is Your Body Saved? Is your body saved? That sounds odd. If I was asked if my soul was saved I would understand what was being asked (while taking exception to framing it that way). But bringing the body into it introduces all kinds of confusion. Christianity tells us that we need saving. Various traditions…
Participation in the Life of God
“[T]he way Christians eat together, keep time, celebrate, forgive debts, express thanks, show hospitality, demonstrate compassion, live simply, and share their material resources with one another is an actual participation in the life of the triune God through whose Spirit we have been incorporated into a body whose head is Christ.” Bryan P. Stone, Evangelism after Christendom:…
Church Involvment
“Church involvement in the New Testament sense means the development of intimate, heathy, long-lasting relationships with one’s brothers and sisters in Christ.” – Joseph Hellerman, When the Church Was a Family
When the Church Was a Family
“The evidence is conclusive, and the voices are unanimous. For Jesus, Paul, and early church leaders throughout the Roman Empire, the preeminent social model that defined the Christian church was the strong-group Mediterranean family.” Joseph H. Hellerman, When the Church Was a Family
The most evangelistic thing the church can do today
“…the most evangelistic thing the church can do today is to be the church – to be formed imaginatively by the Holy Spirit through core practices such as worship, forgiveness, hospitality, and economic sharing into a distinctive people in the world, a new social option, the body of Christ.” Bryan P. Stone, Evangelism after Christendom: The Theology…
Benedict Option
The blogosphere is teaming with posts and discussion about the Benedict Option, especially since the recent SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. What exactly is the Benedict Option? Rod Dreher, the leading proponent of it explains: “[The Benedict Option is] my name for an inchoate phenomenon in which Christians adopt a more consciously countercultural stance towards…
Why We’re Relationally Dumb
Part 3 – Types of Relationships Dallas Willard, describing the state of our modern relationships, says, “[our] most intimate relations are tangles of reciprocal harm, coldness, and resentment.” It’s hard to disagree with Willard when one looks at the society around us. And though there are many healthy relationships we can point to, if we…