Category: Uncategorized
Podcast with Mitchell Foyle-York
Timothy Krell recently re-connected with a friend he made at the Scrutopia Summer School conference a few years ago. Mitch is a convert to Eastern Orthodoxy and invited Tim to discuss what Christian community life practically looks like: how to handle conflicts, politics, and sacrifice. “You can’t solve conflicts without the Holy Spirit.” ~ Tim…
LMF appears on the Yours Truly Podcast
One of our deacons, Timothy Krell, recently appeared on the Yours Truly podcast hosted by Christian Baxter. Timothy give a brief introduction to our church’s genesis and talks about our approach to liturgy, faith, community, art, technology, and tradition. Some quotes from the video: “Trust comes from your commitment to each other.” “‘What do you…
Remembering 2019
It’s hard to believe that we are already nearly three months into 2020! This past year marked some significant events for our fellowship; our 30th anniversary and the welcoming of two new members. In September, our church joyously welcomed Matt and Renee into membership. They had devoted the past five years to focusing on God’s direction…
Happy Memorial Day!
On Monday, our nation remembered all those who have given themselves and their lives to preserve our freedoms and protect our country; we are deeply indebted to these courageous men and women. Here at Life Mission – blessed with a beautiful, sunny day – we celebrated with our Memorial Day Picnic. After gathering to pray,…
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas from all of us at Life Mission Fellowship, and we wish you a Happy New Year! May God continue to work in our lives and yours this coming year. Here’s to 2019!
Christmas Sparkle Necklaces
Renee designed these two necklaces and earrings because she wanted something sparkly and red for Christmastime! The necklaces are made with glass, acrylic, and metal beads. The clear diamond-shaped pendant (on the second necklace) was fused by Renee using a microwave kiln.
Harvest Party
A few weeks ago, we celebrated our annual Harvest Party, complete with a costume contest, food, desserts, games, and humorous skits put on by our members. Our theme for this year was “Works of Art.” We spend many nights in preparation, cutting out decorations, painting props, or coming up with costumes. Finally the anticipated evening…
Goodbye, Summer!
Summer has finally come to a close as chilly October weather blows away our humid, 80 degree evenings, and we will miss those warm nights! Over the past few months, our members and guests enjoyed many Celebration Nights out by our pool. Every Friday that the sun shone, we gathered for dinner, fellowship, and games.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Krell
On September 23, our fellowship celebrated the marriage of Timothy and Cate, two members of our community. Everyone worked tirelessly in preparation of decorations, food, desserts, and all the thousands of little details that go into such a special day. Blessed with splendid weather, we held both the ceremony and reception outdoors in our back…
Solar Eclipse, 2017
On Monday, August 21, many of us gathered outside to watch the greatly anticipated eclipse. Some made eclipse-viewers out of cereal boxes and tinfoil; others laid out paper underneath the trees in order to see the crescent shadows that occur during an eclipse. One of our members discovered that a welding mask could be used…