Category: Uncategorized

  • The Gift of Us

    Each of God’s children brings a unique gift to the body of Christ.  It is special and uniquely reflects the beauty and mystery of the individual.  It contributes something vital and wonderful.  It may be hard for us to identify what our special gift is, but perhaps that’s because it is wrong to think of…

  • Jr. High Fine Art Competition

    Every year through GSACS (Garden State Association of Christian Schools) our students participate in a Fine Arts Day with a number of other schools. These are the pieces that were entered for the 2009 Jr. High Fine Arts Competition.      

  • What Do You Guys Do?

    Here’s my latest answer to that question: We’re living out love and trying to widen that circle wherever we can.

  • Watchman Nee’s “The Body of Christ”

    Watchman Nee wonderfully explains the significance of the Church in his book The Body of Christ: a Reality. He begins by explaining the life that we receive when we have been converted from our old way of selfishness to the new way of Christ. When we are born again, we have a new life in…

  • Bake-Off ’09

    This Saturday was our annual bake-off. Every family makes a dessert and has a commercial to “sell” the dessert. The night was filled with laughter, fun and yummy food.     Award for Best Skit

  • Good Friday – Act Six

    When the curtain goes up this time, we are all ushered on stage. We find ourselves pushed in a human crush down the narrow twisting back streets of Jerusalem. Soldiers everywhere watch from windows and doorways. The crowd surges past us. Shouts. Raised fists. Parents carrying children. Others carrying scaffolding. Centurions push us forcefully into…

  • Holy Week Prayer

    Holy Week (Week of April 5) You Will Never Be the Same p 40 “Avoiding the Cross: Unwillingness to Suffer” “Jesus, You are called the Crucified Lord and the Cross-bearer.  May You never have to say to us, ‘You are not worthy of Me; you cannot be My disciple,’ because we did not want to…

  • Broomball

    Last week was Broomball night! We cleared the chairs and tables from our Dining Room, set up goal posts, chose teams, and with our brooms and running shoes proceeded to have a wonderful night of fun.      

  • Conflict

    In my last post, I discussed Larry Crabb’s vision of the Church as a community in which it is safe to be human.  This is one of the characteristics of “spiritual community” that Dr. Crabb sketches out in his book The Safest Place on Earth.  The other hallmark of this community is the way in…

  • Lent 5 Prayer

    Baselia Schlink’s book, You Will Never Be the Same, is continuing to inspire our Lenten journey. This week we take a cue from her chapter on “Disobedience.” After reading through the chapter at dinner today, we’ll continue to meditate on her words at each meal by praying the following prayer: Lent 5 (Week of March…