Category: Uncategorized
Relationship Theology
In a previous post I talked about the fundamental difference between non-Christian and Christian belief. I was trying to identify the key elements that differentiate a non-Christian and a Christian’s guiding philosophy. I broke it down into three main concepts: Selfishness versus Love, Mistrust versus Faith, and Desire for Power versus Renunciation of Power. These…
Portraits by Kelcy Poat
Kelcy Poat is a member of our community and has taught herself to draw quite well. The first picture is a portrait of the fortieth president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. The second is a portrait of the Christian theologian, Francis Schaeffer.
Jon Trevillyan C S Lewis Sketch
Jon Trevillyan is a deacon in our community who has been teaching himself to draw with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. One of the hard parts of drawing is learning to see what is actually in front of you instead of what you believe something looks like. Because we…
Sketches of Megan, Brittany, and Pat
Here are some pictures from the sketch books of Megan, Brittany, and Patrick. All of the pictures by Megan and Brittany were done in pencil. Patrick’s were rendered with a ball point pen. The sticky notes on Patrick’s picture and Brittany’s picture are from our art teacher. She sticks one on each of our weekly…
Bake Off ’06
Once again the golden whisk, the highly sought after prize of the Bake Off, was pursued by our familes with their delectable deserts and comical commercials. The night was filled with unparalleled creativity and unrivaled tastiness as we all watched each other’s presentations and ate each other’s deserts.
Captain Jack Sparrow
Another drawing from Timothy’s sketch book, this is a portrait of Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean.
For Ellie – Just Keep Swimming!
Martha Liebert
These pictures were painted by Martha Liebert, the mother of our art teacher, Lisa Krell. She has given us many of her paintings, and we use them to decorate places like our dining room, meeting room, and hallways. They also provide inspiration for the budding artists in our community. Most of the paintings are oil…
Lisa Krell
Lisa Krell is a member of our community and teaches art to our children. All of the pictures are done in watercolor except for the dogwood flowers which was done in pastel.
A Different Vision
I’ve been thinking about the fundamental difference between non-Christian and Christian belief. When I use the word “belief” I mean it in its radical sense, “To live in accordance with a truth.” One might say, “Christian practice”, “Christian orientation” or “Christian living”. What is so different about living in a Christian way? Besides the rituals…