Category: Uncategorized
Christian Symbols
The assignment was to create pictures that had Christian themes and symbols present in them. Here are a few. By Patrick Harding By Brittany Kobus By Timothy Krell By Megan Kobus
Wrong Doesn’t Equal Bad
The first mistake I made was to ask the girl behind the counter, “May I have a little more hot water?” I don’t know why I said, “little more.” I guess I was subconsciously trying to not be a bother. Well, she took me literally and gave me about an eighth of a cup of…
As I mentioned in a past post, we’ve been reading Richard Foster’s book, Celebration of Discipline. This is a Christian classic. We’re reading through it together in our Sunday service. We’ll often go through a book together on Sundays. We take turns reading and stop to discuss the material. It really helps to do it…
We’ve been incorporating liturgy in our services these last few months. Only a few of us grew up in churches that used liturgy, so this is something new for us. Reading David Fitch’s book, The Great Giveaway, kind of pushed us over the edge to explore liturgy. We’ve been thinking about it for years, feeling…
For Terina – you’re just peachy
For Sammy, it’s easy as 1, 2, 3
For Kelcy – boston cream (yum!)
For Dave, Heidi, Gretchen – unity even in birth
Dave, Heidi, Gretchen
Some books we’re reading these days:
We’ve been teaching the boys in our fellowship about competition and good sportsmanship. They all love sports and play enthusiastically whenever they get a chance. Their desire to win, however, can sometimes overshadow the importance of kindness. Good sportsmanship seems to be out of fashion these days and so there are not many examples of…