Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Christian Vocation – Furthering the Kingdom
As a young boy, when Jesus was found by His parents in the temple He said that He had to be about His Father’s business (Luke 2:49, literally: “in the things of My Father”). Jesus had a vocation and that vocation was doing the work of His Father. A vocation is a person’s calling in…
The Ideal for Humankind
“Because God is the social Trinity, a plurality in unity, the ideal for humankind does not focus on solitary persons, but on persons-in-community.” Stanley J. Grenz Theology for the Community of God
I can ‘see’ better
The impoverished soul says, “In lieu of good relationships, I can at least take pleasure that I see better than others.”
Who is great?
“He only is truly great, who hath great charity.” Thomas a Kempis
Conflict is a normal and essential reality when humans seek to relate together. It is basically the flash point of differences in thinking and behaving. While conflict may be uncomfortable, it need not be destructive. In fact, it can and should help to deepen relationships. The main concern is to make sure that conflict is…
Community Requires Generosity
If community is about anything, it’s about living well with others. For something so fundamental to everyone’s experience, it is amazing that we often don’t know how to live well with others. I’m convinced that many relationship problems are the result of simply not being generous enough with each other. Each of us can be…
What’s God’s First Name?
In 1989 an unexpected and life-changing experience stormed into my life that altered my world. I refer to the revival that was the beginning of our community in its current form. Before then I was serving as a missionary in a popular evangelical mission organization. Although we were working with dedicated and sincere Christians, we…
The Most Amazing Woman
In Christian circles, and even in pop culture, it is rather fashionable for husbands and wives to say that they are married to the most amazing and wonderful man/woman they’ve ever met. I understand their intention in saying this. They want to communicate how much they appreciate their spouse and show that they are not…
Living it out
“The messengers must model the message.” N.T. Wright, Simply Christian
Blessed Are The Merciful
In the Beatitudes Christ says the merciful are blessed. Why? Because, He says, they will receive mercy. So, is Jesus suggesting a simple formula for improving the treatment you receive from others? I think not. Perhaps it’s helpful to first understand the point of the Beatitudes and what being merciful is all about. It is…
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