Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Grace Makes Me Reverent and Not Afraid
I had one of those experiences this Easter you get when you buy a new car and then start seeing that same model on the road everywhere, whereas before you never noticed. My daughter was beautifully singing Amazing Grace, while our string orchestra accompanied, and in a flash I started to see the power and…
We’re Right…And You’re Not
Recently we had a visit from two religious workers, from an organization which will remain unnamed, who suggested we distribute their literature to our “young people.” The pair’s organization is not considered to be an orthodox Christian group and they don’t consider our fellowship to be part of the true church. This might not seem…
Is God Mission?
What we think about God has a crucial impact on how we order our life. To think about God is to think about the ultimate. As the “ultimate” God becomes our model. We emulate what we think He is like. Whether consciously or not, we will seek to follow His example. If we see God…
Good Samaritan – Bad Husband
“I want to argue that loving one another well as the people of God for the sake of the world is the game we are supposed to be playing. It’s not a waste of time, it’s not naval gazing, it’s not self-absorption. It’s actually how we are able to function as the incarnate body of…
Thinking like a Christian
“A Christian worldview should remind us of our multifaceted dependence on God’s goodness, which should foster humility within us. Thus, humility is an important indicator of whether we are progressing toward conformity with God’s story. The same could be said of becoming more loving toward God and others or living a life characterized by gratitude…
Say True, Stay True
What makes relationships work? Whatever it is, it has to be one of the most important things to know because the meaningful and important things in our lives have to do with relationships. For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his relationships – especially those key…
Atheist Delusions
I recently read and enjoyed David Bentley Hart’s, Atheist Delusions, especially after I had subjected myself to Richard Dawkins’, God Delusion, with quotes like this, “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all of fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic…
We have enough time…for what we want
“…we frequently say that we do not have enough time for something. In reality, these statements are rarely true. If we are honest, ‘not enough time’ can almost always be translated as, ‘I did not do that because it was not a high priority.’ Someone committed to an individualistic worldview will find time for different…
How to Fight Like a Christian
This time of year we gather around the Thanksgiving table with family. Fall colors, generous portions of pie, football games, and a golden brown turkey are all on the menu. The warmth of hearth and home fill our hearts during this special family holiday. If only the actual members of our families were as pleasant…
Harvest Party 2009
For this year’s Harvest Party our theme was fairytales. Everyone’s costumes were creatively made with this theme in mind. There were a few dwarves, a number of gingerbread men and babies, Captain Hook and even Goldilocks and the Three Bears! It was a fun night of games, skits, laughter, candy and fellowship together.
Got any book recommendations?