Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Surprised by Hope
I just finished reading, Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church, by NT Wright. Wright is a New Testament theologian and currently serves as the Bishop of Durham in the Church of England. What I appreciate about his writing is his ability to “get into the shoes” of first…
Think, Act, Befriend
“All meaningful knowledge is for the sake of action, and all meaningful action for the sake of friendship.” John Macmurray, The Self as Agent
Pumpkin Carving ’09
As October comes to an end we have our annual Harvest Party. In preparation for the party we carve pumpkins a week before the event. The pumpkin designs are to match the Harvest Party theme. This year’s theme is Fairy Tales. The Big Bad Wolf
History Night 2009
Anticipation builds each year as October approaches because our community gathers for our annual History Night. With a special meal, stories, pictures and sharing we remember God’s faithfulness through the years. This year we explored our how our mission as a community has developed. Community is not simply a novel calling, but a fulfillment of…
Who Am I?
I’ve enjoyed reading Joel Green’s Body, Soul, and Human Life. While I can’t say I fully understand or agree with everything I’ve read, it has been very helpful in connecting the dots of several concepts, particularly, how we are to think about ourselves. Green makes the case that we shouldn’t see ourselves in a Cartesian…
Where are you being formed?
“For 1 Peter, then, human life is life on the potter’s wheel, so to speak – being shaped one way or the other, by the ancestral ways expressed in taken-for-granted social conventions, or by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and the formative influence of the people of God. Humans act out of their…
God’s Good – Scarcely Imagined
“Like those who live with life-long disease, humans easily adjust their lives to account for their maladies. The human family can scarcely imagine what the freedom to chose God’s ‘good’ would be, so much has humanity adapted itself to estrangement and alienation.” Joel B. Green, Body, Soul, and Human Life
I recently read N.T. Wright’s book, Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision. His driving force for this book is a response to a book published in 2007 by Dr. John Piper called, The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright, which probes the foundations of Wright’s understanding of Paul and if this is…
Hammonton Scavenger Hunt
For our weekly Celebration Night on Sept 4th we had a Hammonton Photo Scavenger Hunt. Each team was given 15 clues and had 1 hour and 5 minutes to figure out the clues, take photos of the places with an iPhone, e-mail them to me, and be back home. Everyone had a fun time seeing…
Fun on the Mullica
We decided to do something different for Celebration Night and go swimming in the Mullica River. As you can see, it was an absolutely beautiful evening and we all had a lot of fun together.
Got any book recommendations?