Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Embrace judgment
As Christians we are not delivered from God’s judgment. Because of the kindness and mercy of our God our judgment is transformed to discipline. Sin is unthinkably destructive. Because it causes suffering it can’t be ignored or flippantly passed over. It will not do to just receive a clean bill of health when the cancer…
Audio – More Human
[audio:http://life-mission.org/media/akrell/morehuman.mp3] Download Mp3 This is a recent message I gave on Christ becoming fully human so we could become more human.
Monochromatic Drawings
These drawings were done by our 3rd and 6th grade art class earlier this year. They are monochromatic drawings using white colored pencil on black construction paper, which is different than most monochromatic drawings that are usually done on white paper with gray or black pencils.
How we live together is worship
Colin Gunton, in The Christian Faith has a chapter on “Christian Community and Human Society” which I have found helpful in understanding the vision and purpose of the church. He says: “The church is the society whose distinctive way of being in the world – distinctive polity, we might say – is oriented to God…
For Ellie – Happy Birthday From Charlie and Lola
For Betty
Bowl – ing a noun of late Middle English origin meaning: A game played by rolling a ball down a wooden alley in order to knock down a triangular group of ten pins. The noun “bowling” can also be known as an incredibly fun way to spend a Friday night with friends. Or, as an…
For Andrew – Have an Electrifying Birthday!
For Samantha – Happy Birthday from Poppleton and Cherry!
Christ is more truly human
Colin Gunton says, “…Jesus is the eternal Word of God in person, yet without being in any way less human than we are; in fact, being more truly human.” Looking around me and seeing how broken mankind is, it gives me hope to see that this brokenness is not reflective of true humanity, but a…
Got any book recommendations?