Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Freedom

    Reading John D. Zizioulas’ Being As Communion and reflecting on community and the truths we’ve learned over these years about relationships and the nature of the Church, I had this thought about freedom: Freedom is not the ability to choose between different possibilities, but to be capable of communion.

  • Academy Night 2009

    Our 2008-2009 school year ended with an awards night. The teachers strive to give out creative awards as they want to capture the highlights of each student. Often these awards get a chuckle from the audience. For example, one award is the “Fainting Teacher” award for the student who suddenly shows unexpected performance. Others were…

  • Memorial Day…

    Every year we have a memorial day picinic. We spend the Friday night beforehand getting food and games set up, then on Monday we all have a good time fellowshipping, eating and playing games together. How the water games started: How they ended:

  • Spirituality Is Entered Into

    With summer comes vacation, a time to change our routines and relax.  But on a recent trip I took I discovered that spirituality is closely connected to routines.  In our community I enjoy spiritually rich routines.  I have personal devotion time in the morning where I meditate, study and pray.  We gather in the morning…

  • Happy 1st Birthday Hannah!

  • Kickball!

    Now that the warm weather has come, we love to take our celebration outdoors. We played our first game of kickball and it was a blast! Warm-up before the game. Look Out! A great game.

  • No Being Without Communion

    Alert: Brainy ruminations ahead… I’ve been studying Orthodox theology lately, and one of the main concepts talked about is that there is no being without communion. I see some profound implications from that. If being is rooted in will or individuality, then the actualization (expression) of our will (e.g. pursuing our dreams, discovering our gifts,…

  • Survivors of the Rwanda Massacre

    Alec Brooks, president of Charis International, recently returned from a trip to Africa. As a result, Charis is now working on another project focused on relief efforts in Rwanda. Raped, widowed, and infected with the HIV/AIDS virus, these hardworking victims of the Rwanda genocide long for a chance to support themselves and the 125 children…

  • The Gift of Us

    Each of God’s children brings a unique gift to the body of Christ.  It is special and uniquely reflects the beauty and mystery of the individual.  It contributes something vital and wonderful.  It may be hard for us to identify what our special gift is, but perhaps that’s because it is wrong to think of…

  • Jr. High Fine Art Competition

    Every year through GSACS (Garden State Association of Christian Schools) our students participate in a Fine Arts Day with a number of other schools. These are the pieces that were entered for the 2009 Jr. High Fine Arts Competition.      

Got any book recommendations?