Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Lent 4 Prayer
Here’s the prayer and chapter reference we’re using for Lent 4 from Baselia Schlink’s book, You Will Never Be the Same: Lent 4 (Week of March 22) You Will Never Be the Same p 124 “Mistrust” “Father, let us renounce false accusations towards You and our brothers. We know that it is egoism that nourishes…
The Core Battle
“The core battle in everyone’s life is to relate well to God, to worship him, enjoy him, experience his presence, hear his voice, trust him in everything, always call him good, obey every command (even the hard ones), and hope in him when he seems to disappear. That’s the battle the community of God is…
Fasting In Lent
This is a picture of what happens when you fast electronic entertainment for Lent.
Third Quarter Sketchbook Series
For third quarter in art class, the weekly sketchbook assignment is a little different than normal. Taking some principles from the book Visual Literacy, the class must take an ordinary, everyday object and make it interesting. An example of this would be taking a dinner plate and drawing it as a flying saucer. The object…
Lent 3 Prayer
I mentioned that we were using Basilea Schlink’s book, You Will Never Be the Same, as guide during Lent. Each chapter focuses on a different sin with Sister Schlink offering counsel, what she describes as a “prescription”, for that sin. Her penetrating words both convict and cleanse. Each week we read a different chapter and…
Lenten Prayers
Each week of Lent we are focusing on a different chapter from Baselia Schlink’s book, You Will Never Be the Same. On Mondays at dinner we take our meal in silence and then read together a chapter from Baselia’s book. Through the rest of the week we pray a special prayer for grace at the…
Why Lent?
“Naive Christians, the kind who want to freely release the goodness within them and trust their hearts to lead them aright, do not want to enter the battle raging in their souls. They have no appetite for identifying and destroying the enemy. Spiritual warfare, they hope, will involve only light skirmishes, never a fight-till-someone-dies conflict.”…
True Confessions
One of the disciplines encouraged during Lent is confession, confession of who we really are in order to find Christ. We learn to embrace the truth about ourselves so we can find the Truth and Life. According to several dictionaries, three words capture the meaning of confession: acknowledgement (owning to something), admission (allowing access), and…
Art Class Monochromatic Drawings
Our art classes have been doing monochromatic drawings as of late. The tendency is to think of monochromatic drawings as being pencil or pen drawings – a black medium on white paper. However, monochromatic drawings can also consist of black and white pencil on brown paper, or even white pencil on black paper; which the…
Ecclesiology and Mission
David Fitch, in a recent interview, made this statement regarding the mission of the Church: “…the church is the epistemological foundation for doing ministry in the world.” Yes, yes, and YES! Sorry, got a little excited there.
Got any book recommendations?