Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Summer of 2016
We spent almost every Celebration Night by the pool this summer–swimming, grilling, and playing badminton. The weather was beautiful (only a few rainy weekends) and the mosquitoes were fairly well-behaved. Or biggest accomplishment was finessing our Marco Polo skills: an addicting game when played “silently”. Speed and stealth became a necessity!
Open To Grace
Imagine three scenarios: Follow the Leader? A Christian businessman makes room in his crowded schedule to meet with colleagues at a local restaurant. Waiting at a table set for six persons, the clock makes it plain that he will be eating alone. Text messages and emails trickle in from each of the business leaders excusing…
Body Salvation
Is Your Body Saved? Is your body saved? That sounds odd. If I was asked if my soul was saved I would understand what was being asked (while taking exception to framing it that way). But bringing the body into it introduces all kinds of confusion. Christianity tells us that we need saving. Various traditions…
Minute to Win It
Recently, we had so much fun playing Minute to Win It. Some of the challenges included moving skittles and ping-pong balls with only a spoon or straw in your mouth and moving a cookie from your eye to your mouth with only your facial muscles!
Participation in the Life of God
“[T]he way Christians eat together, keep time, celebrate, forgive debts, express thanks, show hospitality, demonstrate compassion, live simply, and share their material resources with one another is an actual participation in the life of the triune God through whose Spirit we have been incorporated into a body whose head is Christ.” Bryan P. Stone, Evangelism after Christendom:…
Pumpkins and Christmas Concert
Every fall we enjoy carving pumpkins and every Christmas we love making the music of the season:
Harvest Party 2015
Every fall we celebrate the season with our “Harvest Party.” We vote on a theme such as “Western”, “Sci-Fi”, “All Things UK,” etc. This year we picked American history (just between 1900-1945) and broke up into teams to decorate our meeting hall accordingly. For a couple of weeks everyone was busy decorating, making costumes, and…
Church Involvment
“Church involvement in the New Testament sense means the development of intimate, heathy, long-lasting relationships with one’s brothers and sisters in Christ.” – Joseph Hellerman, When the Church Was a Family
20th Anniversary
This summer we had a lot of fun planning a surprise party celebrating the 20 years of Bret and Gretchen’s marriage. We secretly prepared decorations, bought gifts, and invited family from out of state, anxiously hoping Bret and Gretchen weren’t catching wind of our surreptitious operations! Our covert efforts paid off when they walked through…
Poolside Fun
Come summer, the pool deck is our go-to hangout spot on Friday nights. We all look forward to the leisurely dinners (lots of grilling!), relaxing in the water and just having a couple of hours to chit-chat about how our week went. Some of us can spend all night in the water while others prefer…
Got any book recommendations?