Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Which Community?

    In a recent post I used material from Watchman Nee to discuss the nature and necessity of being part of a local body of believers. In summary, community provides essential functions (covering, restraint and supply) necessary for human flourishing. Being a member of a local fellowship of Christians who love each other is the only…

  • How God is Revealed

    “If God is a community of love then He can only be revealed through a people who love each other.” Alec Brooks

  • The Intention To Be A Kingdom Person

    “Concretely, we intend to live in the kingdom of God by intending to obey the precise example and teachings of Jesus.” Renovation of the Heart, Dallas Willard

  • Self-governance in local communities

    “We can either elect a future of self-limitation born of the practice and experience of self-governance in local communities, or we can back slowly but inexorably into a future in which extreme license invites extreme oppression.” Patrick J. Deneen

  • Community Nourishment

    In his book, The Body of Christ: A Reality, Watchman Nee teaches about three functions the church provides for its members: covering, restraint and supply. These functions are not unique to a church, however, but are essential “services” people need from any community in which they relate. The inherent social dimension of humans makes participation…

  • Virtue

  • Gemeinschaft

    Being a radical individual has its downside. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemeinschaft_and_Gesellschaft

  • Parenting Videos

    Alec Brooks, our friend from Charis International, has graciously given us permission to publish a number of videos from Bethany Fellowship. Alec was president of Bethany for a number of years and his wife, Joanie, is Ted Hegre’s daughter (Ted was one of the founders of Bethany). Alec teaches here at Life Mission regularly and his…

  • Welcome Thomas

    Sam and Kelcy welcomed the newest addition to their family, Thomas John, on May 5, 2012. Thomas, healthy at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 3/4 inches, is a delight to family and friends!

  • The Locus of Our Trust

    Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Ludolf Backbuysen, 1695 Public Domain What allows one person to sail smoothly through the vicissitudes of life while others seem to be battered to and fro by these same storms? I have often wondered how the apostle Paul kept an even keel through his numerous trials,…

Got any book recommendations?