Over Spring Break, the 4th through 6th grades were led in an egg drop project by our principal, Butch Harding. The task they were given was a three-headed problem. First, they had to make a device that would be capable of protecting an egg from a twenty-three foot drop. Second, they had to make their design capable of being able to hit a certain target on the ground when dropped. Third, their design had to have a “coolness” factor, meaning their device had to have class (versus a hodge-podge of drinking straws, Styrofoam, and tape). For the construction of their designs, the students were allowed to take from a variety of scrap materials that have been lying around, such as cardboard, soda cans, PVC pipe, etc.

In the end, the children came up with some very creative designs, including parachutes, planes, and rocket ships. When put to the test, all of the designs were able to keep their egg from breaking. As for the target, all landed very close, but no one was able to hit it straight on. All of the students thoroughly enjoyed the project and are looking forward to a few similar activities that are being planned for them this summer.